October 2, 2019
Use a Translation Company to go Global

Do you want to go Global? Here’s How!

The right translation company will help not only in the languages you need, but the cultures and values that speak to those languages.  Language services affects every part of your business when you go international, from finances to ecommerce to marketing.
September 10, 2019
importance travel translation

Travel without Translation

One of my passions is to get to know new cultures. Working in the translation industry, I am surrounded on a daily basis by languages, cultural interactions, and website translation. The tourism and travel industry is by definition a global industry, and the people who work in it can help keep it a flourishing industry by being accommodating of their clients’ languages.
August 30, 2019
translation services in san francisco

How Translation Services In San Francisco Make a Difference

At least 40% of San Francisco speaks a language other than English at home, and that percentage is expected to grow in coming years.  The young people emerging from cultural melting pots like San Francisco are well-educated, tech savvy, multilingual, and making their presence known in marketplaces, schools, and governments. 
August 14, 2019
human resources translation services interpretation

A Look at Human Resources Translation and Interpretation Services

The Human Resources department serves a critical function that must have speedy access to translation services and interpretation services to do their job effectively when communicating with employees in their native language or reaching employees around the world.
August 7, 2019
translation services home products

Translation services at your home

We don’t often think of translation services in terms of our home goods and consumables- our furniture, toiletries, cleaning products or packaged food.  But look a little deeper and you’ll find the work of language services companies all around you.  Here are a few of the ways translation services work in your home
July 15, 2019
Professional Translation Services Company in Miami

Translation Services for Miami

The city of Miami is a natural hub of international activity.  A Multicultural and Multilingual place where Language Services, including translation and interpretation, are important to support tourism, commerce, and its diverse population.
June 24, 2019

Talking with Indianapolis with Translation Services

Every year, visitors mingle with the nearly 900,000 Indianapolis residents to create a rich blend of languages and cultures.  Businesses and institutions who want to create an environment friendly to speakers of multiple languages should use language translation services in Indianapolis to better serve the public and facilitate multilingual communication.
June 5, 2019
translation services washington dc conference

A Look Back at Washington, D.C.’s SID 2019 Conference

On May 30th, JR Language had the pleasure of attending the Society for International Development’s (SID) 2019 conference.  Held annually, it was the third time that our translation company was able to go to represent the language services offering. 
May 29, 2019
toronto video translation global reach

Expanding your reach with Video Translation in Toronto

Given the reach of the Toronto film and video industry, and the fact that Canada has two official languages, translation  and localization is a big part of its international success.  We want to show you today why that matters to your business, no matter your industry.
May 22, 2019

The 2019 Conference for the Society for International Development

This will be the third year that JR Language Translation Services has attended the Society for International Development’s annual conference.  We look forward to networking and meeting other professionals from around the world working on International development.
May 15, 2019
chinese translation services in toronto

The importance of using Chinese translation in Toronto

Toronto is a multicultural city as shown by the different cultures that help shape its neighborhoods, and the diverse culinary options. The Chinese population is one of the most prominent in Toronto, and their presence can been seen throughout the City.
May 8, 2019
video translation and dubbing

Dubbing in Video Translation: Defining It and How It Works for You

Video translation and dubbing, allows you to literally speak to your clients’ needs, and show them that they can express their thoughts back to you and be heard.  Word of mouth and visibility have been two of the most powerful marketing tools throughout the history of mankind, and these are both features of video translation and dubbing. 
April 24, 2019
translation services tourism

Multilingual Communication for Tourism

Multilingual communication is an intrinsic element of travel and tourism. To facilitate the activities of your travelers and customers you need to assist them in their language. As a natural consequence, language translation services are an essential part of the tourism industry.
April 3, 2019
translation services atlanta

Engaging the Multilingual Community in Atlanta with Translation Services

Atlanta is working to engage in more international trade, and translation services in Atlanta help make this possible.  Every business that wants to serve the needs of Atlanta’s multilingual community would benefit from translation of content including marketing translation, legal document translation, website translation and translation of employee manuals.
March 27, 2019
video translation services options

Know Your Options for Video Translation

What are the differences between dubbing and subtitles?  Which do people prefer, and which should your business choose for your video translation needs? 
March 5, 2019
canada translation services international students

How Translation Services in Canada help its International Students

Today’s students are today and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.  Through them, your business can form strong connections with international communities in Canada and in your clients’ countries of origin.  Vital translation services such as document translation and certified translation services help create this bond.
March 1, 2019
translation services toronto pdac

Translation Services and Mining meet at this year’s PDAC

At PDAC, JR Language will be at booth 7727N, come visit us to learn about how you can better communicate with clients, partners and employees in more than 100 languages.
February 20, 2019
translation services toronto standing out

Standing Out in Toronto with Translation

Last updated on June 6th, 2024 at 03:15 pmWelcome to Toronto, home of different cultures and languages! Canada is a rising star in the aspect of […]
January 30, 2019
simultaneous interpretation

Defining Simultaneous Interpretation and Why It Can Help You

We look at some examples of how simultaneous interpretation and its sibling methods have been used in the past, what is happening now, and what might happen next.
January 23, 2019

Poland, Translated

Common questions about Poland include: Is Poland friendly to tourists? How do you immigrate to Poland? Should I sell my product in Poland? Should my business use Polish translation? We’ll look at answers to these questions and more, with resources to make you szczęśliwy- that is, happy.
January 16, 2019
video translation multilingual subtitles

All About Multilingual Subtitles and How They Can Help You

Subtitles can be used in any kind of video across any industry.  They are perfect for increasing the visibility of your brand, enhancing the audience’s experience, and improving content for global usage.
January 2, 2019
translation in cleveland connects

Connecting Cleveland’s Newcomers through Translation

With the help of translation services in Cleveland, the city's newcomers are better connected to social and economic opportunity.
December 24, 2018
Translation Services Project Management

Life as Language Service Project Manager

Translation services project managers are in place to help you, guide and facilitate the communication process at a global level.
December 19, 2018
translation services and interpretation services

Translation and Interpretation: Highlights from History

The role of a translator or interpreter is one of the oldest professions in the world. From the first pages of human history to this moment, translators and interpreters have been making the flow of information possible, giving us the world we have today.
December 13, 2018
professional translation services global

Strengthen Your Company with Professional Translation in Mind

After solidifying an international approach to your brand, product, and services, you will need to address the task of communicating in their language. Working with a professional translation company offers the support and services needed to help you go global and local within your target audience.
November 28, 2018
technical documents translation

Technical Translations Decoded

Technical translations combine technological data with human skill by converting the content from one language to another, producing an accurate, usable copy.
November 21, 2018
translation of training materials and g20 summit

G20 Summit and The Future of Work

Global financial and economic issues are primary targets of G20 discussions. Among these are tax policies, agriculture, energy, and employment. As program materials are shared, interpretation and translation in Buenos Aires will emerge as a critical element accurate communication among the participants.
November 15, 2018
legal translation options for law firms

What are some options that a Law Firm has for Legal Translation Services?

Legal matters travel quickly. If it is for official court purposes, then the benefit of a human translator is definitely preferred. However, for a mountain of legal documents that need to be reviewed quickly and won’t go any further than the office, machine translation is worth considering.
November 9, 2018
investing in translation in newark

Investing in Newark’s Economy by investing in Translation

Translation services for Newark's large corporate entities and small start-ups ensure that businesses fulfill the steps needed to maintain a multilingual, efficient workforce.
October 24, 2018
International marketing using translation services

How to Use Translation Services for International Marketing

The largest international players are retaining a strong but simple brand identity and successfully translating it to fit each linguistic market.