Keyword research For Spanish Translation Services
Last modified on May 17th, 2021 at 5:56 pm
Last updated on May 17th, 2021 at 05:56 pm
Digital marketing is international
SEO techniques are not only limited to English language content. We frequently find companies and even marketing agencies following SEO guidelines for digital English content that do not consider or think about International SEO when they are translating their sites into other languages.
The idea of reaching customers and potential clients in their own language is a step further in broadening your audience, so using the right keywords to drive users to your website is a necessary launching point. A translation of a website page doesn’t guarantee that the choices of words selected are the strategic words or keywords that your customers use to search information online in their language.
SEO is important in any language. A good international SEO strategy starts with identifying the right keywords for your product or services in the language that you are adding to your marketing mix.
For instance when doing a Spanish translation of a website, keywords must not only be translated to Spanish but keyword research has to be done for each of your target locales to make the Spanish language website content effective for you and your target audiences.
Let’s look at the keyword “Spanish Translation”. That is an important keyword for our marketing efforts since we are a Translation agency.
While doing keyword research, you’ll see variations of the keyword phrase and you’ll want to pay attention to the ones that have more “Volume in Searches” and are effective in bringing traffic to your website. On top of this, you’ll need to focus on the keywords that convey the intent to buy or use your services.
Successful Keyword Research: Variations to look for
1. Let’s start by looking at the difference in search volume between plural and singular forms of the keyword ”Spanish Translation”.
Search results using one Keyword research Tool. Region- United States –
Spanish Translation 550,000
Spanish Translations 2,400
Search results worldwide, using another Keyword research Tool-
Spanish Translation 1,500,000
Spanish Translations 1,500,000
So, keyword search volume varies according to the tool and location.
2. There are also related keyword phrases that have higher search volumes than “Spanish Translation”.
Search results in US-
Spanish Translator 1,220,000
English into Spanish Translation 832,000
translate english to spanish 450,000
translation from english to spanish 8,100
translation from spanish to english 4,400
When searching for Spanish keywords translated from English, we extract the results from Worldwide since Spanish keywords have lower search volume in the US.
traductor ingles español 4,090,000
traducción español 6,600
traducion ingles espanol 110,000
traduccion de ingles a español 673,000
3. People also search for keywords in the reverse direction when they need Translation from English into Spanish. Here are some keywords we found that show this variation-
translate spanish to english 450,000
spanish to english translation 368,000
traducción de español a ingles 368,000
Traductor español ingles 2,740,000
traducir español a ingles 110,000
4. Searchers misspell about 10% of their search queries every day. The search results vary for different misspellings.
You can consider misspellings of the keyword that have significant search volume. In the case of “Spanish Translation”, users typing in the search box enter frequent misspells as shown below:
soanish translation 590
spanish transltor 590
soanish translator 2,900
soanish to english translator 170
soanish to english translation 170
translate soanish to english 140
spanish tarnslation 10
spanish tranlsation 170
spanish to english tranlsation 30
english to spanish tranlsation 30
spanish english tranlsation 20
english spanish tranlsation 10
There was not a significant volume of misspelled Spanish keywords.
5. Other keyword phrases that include the core keyword term can be added to the list, and should also be considered if the number of searches and keywords are relevant to your SEO goals.
Spanish Language Translations 10
Certified Spanish Translations 10
Spanish Technical Translation 20
Spanish Website Translation 40
Document Translation 4,400
In this case we’d select “Spanish Website translation’ since it has a greater search volume and contains 2 important keywords for us “Website Translation” and “Spanish Translation”.
Spanish Keywords related to previous terms
Traductor tecnico 2,400
Traducciones technicas 210
Traductor Tecnico ingles espanol 590
Traducciones certificadas 210
Traducción de documentos 720
Traducción de sitios web 20
Traducción de páginas web 260
Different keywords that can be used for Spanish Translation have different search values and they also change according to the location of the search-
traduccion del ingles al español 6,600 (Location: Spain)
traduccion del ingles al español 2,900 (Location: United States)
Traduccion al español 18,100 (Location: Spain)
traduccion al español 6,600 (Location: United States)
Traduccion al español 8,100 (Location: Mexico)
Traduccion al español 4,400 (Location: Argentina)
traducciones del Ingles al español 10 (Location: Spain)
traducciones al español 10 (Location: United States)
We hope you’ve found this discussion helpful in understanding the process of keyword research for successful International SEO. Search is cultural and depends on the language! Remember that keywords with higher volume of searches in one location and/or language will not necessarily be as popular in another language. Creating effective content while translating websites requires the selection of the appropriate keywords, by:
For more about our website translation process, please contact us. We look forward to helping your website draw a world of loyal customers with international SEO!